raised of €100 goal
My Story
This year I am taking part in the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon and raising some well needed funds for DePaul Ireland. DePaul Ireland is a cross border charity aiming to put an end to homelessness. As a young person living in Ireland I can really see how homelessness has effected and can effect people. Homelessness and risk of homelessness is a huge issue in today's Ireland and is becoming increasingly obvious and more aggressive in my opinion, maybe just because I'm getting older and my eyes are more open to it. Everyone I know and myself included all know someone effected by this and the problems that occur surrounding it. There is immense pressure and unrealistic expectations in order to be able to secure a safe home to live in and on the other hand life is tough and with these pressures can result to homelessness. DePaul Ireland appears to me because they give people a sense of hope. DePaul takes a stance against homelessness and speaks up for the unheard communities and individuals of Ireland, cross border. DePaul's approach is to accept people where they are at and work with them at a pace that they can manage.Everyone is treated with dignity, they get help and support no matter what. I hope by raising funds for the organisation that DePaul can carry on doing the amazing work they do for the people in this country and take a stand against homelessness. I’ve attached a link here featuring some stories told by some of the service users and staff/volunteers within DePaul. All donations are welcome, thank you.
Charity supported

Depaul is a charity helping people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Top Altruists
Megan -
Naomi Mulhall -
Anthony salmon -
Danielle WhiteGood luck kates! We got this ??
Jamie O'Reilly -
Carina Halvorsen -
Leon Ó'Ceallaigh -
Marloes Koopman -
josh wrench -
Rosie Doors -
Ninorta Warda -
Marianne Poulsen -
Matthew Dempsey -
raised of €100 goal