Volunteering to provide healthcare and physiotherapy services to children with disabilities in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
raised of €1,300 goal
My Story
Hi there, thank you for visiting this page! My name is Alisha Lila and I am a physiotherapy student studying at UCD. I have the privilege of being able to volunteer with UCD Volunteers Overseas and the Holy Union Sisters to help improve healthcare and physiotherapy accessibility for children with disabilities in rural villages of Dar Es Salaam. As a physiotherapy student, I am looking forward to using my skills to aid, educate and empower these families. I will be volunteering at the Matumaini Centre, a center for children with disabilities - offering rehabilitation, education, nutrition, and livelihood support. It is envisioned as a place where mothers and carers can come with their children and be given help, advice, respite, and encouragement. The Matumaini Centre and the healthcare for these children rely greatly on donations and volunteerism, therefore I am aiming to raise €1700 to help improve community services. These funds will be going directly towards physiotherapy equipment, wheelchairs, walking aids, walking frames, specialized seating, prostheses, and a Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Camp. I will personally be funding my own flight, visa and vaccinations. Any amount is greatly appreciated and is able to make a difference to these children and families. I would be more than happy to discuss the charity, and the work I will be doing with you in greater detail, but will include the link for more information. https://www.ucdvo.org/wherewework/tanzania/

Charity supported

Voluntary organisation for UCD students, staff and graduates to engage in volunteering and global citizenship education programmes.
Top Altruists
Kaeef -
Sneh Sunder -
Naiem -
Mahir Uddin Muhammad -
Fuad Hossain -
#1 housemate -
Samara Doobay -
Ryan Doobay -
Imran M -
Arany -
Manya Bhaumik
raised of €1,300 goal